January 9, 2011

How to be my boyfriend

Ok, I confess, I stole this idea from an article I read- here. But, I thought it was just too cute, and I wanted to try it for myself. So, here goes.

Dear possible-boyfriends-to-be,

I want you to pursue me. I know it sounds old-fashioned, and I have asked out several guys in my time (some, more successfully than others), but I like to be wanted. I like knowing that you couldn't stand the idea of me being with anyone else, and as such, you just had to make that first move right then and there.

I want you to surprise me. Dinner and a movie is fun, but a cooking lesson and an outdoor amateur play is even better. I'm not typical, and I don't want you to be either. I want to try new things with you, and know that you'll jump in with two feet, right beside me.

You should be a "nice guy." Opening doors, being polite, carrying the groceries, are all little things that I will remember forever (no kidding, I have a great memory.) But, you don't have to laugh at my jokes. I'm used to getting eye rolls and sighs, and I totally understand. I tell bad jokes.

A few things you should probably know about me- I get really excited about everyday things like detours, parking meters, stopping for trains. You don't have to get excited too, just-- be prepared. Also, I really do like just about everything, except vegetables. I'm very laid back and not very discerning, and I'm learning to be more ok with that fact.

I'd prefer you to be kind, friendly, adventurous, and relaxed. I love a good sense of humor, and a good backrub. The ideal applicant would be able to change a tire and bait a hook, as well as enjoy a quality book.

Finally, I want you to accept the love I can show. I have a lot of love to give, and I'd love to give it to you.

Applicants, feel free to leave your information below : )

But in all seriousness, comment with what you look for in a significant other! I'm curious! Although this is kind of a silly exercise and I'm physically blushing just thinking about people reading it, I think it has helped me to clarify exactly what I'm looking for- which, for me, is a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. Meleah's not kidding when she says she loves detours--the kind that usually annoy you when you're driving. Meleah follows them just to find out where they lead.

    Oh, and I assure you that if you choose Meleah, you'll be choosing one of the best. Trust me. She's awesome :)
