February 28, 2011

Walk, walk fashion baby

As many of you know, I love Polyvore. I've been shopping their sets for a long time. Whenever I get a new article of clothing and I don't know what to wear it with, I head straight to Polyvore. But, it wasn't until today that I started making my own sets. After a few botched attempts, I have finally figured it out and I absolutely love it!! I'm not crafty at all, but Polyvore is definitely something I can handle! Check out what I've made so far!


If you want to start making your own, go here!

Things I'm doing today

Wearing braids in my hair- feeling very Heidi and 70's simultaneously

Ignoring the rain outside by looking at spring sets on Polyvore

Buying tickets to see Jay Leno! Live! In person!

Rocking out to my new song, Deuces by Chris Brown

Finishing (!) a Review of Literature for a HUGE project

Waiting for Amazon to deliver this book that I ordered- Douglas Adams is just the best

Celebrating that it is finally the last day of February- onto March, ladies and gentlemen!

Planning a St. Patrick's Day party (sans the alcohol-induced insanity- yuck)
I want this and these and of course this

Making hot chocolate- my post-homework treat!

Getting a full 8 hours tonight! (maybe?)

Have a lovely day, all!

February 15, 2011


Need I say more?

I hope everyone's Valentine's day was just as wonderful as mine- filled with love, friendships, and some great music!