First off, knit bombing. For those of you who haven't heard of it, knit bombing is the new, environmentally-friendly graffiti. The "bombers" knit covers for unusual items and place them spy-style in the middle of the night-- forget kleenex boxes, think tanks.
or buses
or trees
Also known as yarnbombing or guerilla knitting (my favorite!) the bombers' goal isn't so much social commentary as making the sterile, cold cityscapes a touch more homey- how cool is that??
Although my friend Amanda has been warning me for years, I apparently missed the day that ukelele's came back in style. I remember being given my great- grandfather's uke one Christmas as a cheaper alternative to the guitar I'd been asking for, but I assumed they had died out around the time of the harpsichord. However, I was wrong and they are back in full swing and cuter than ever!
This apple uke ^ is my favorite! If you go here, they also have a snail, a pear, a fish, and a cupcake!Finally, the whole idea of punk kitsch came from my friend Missa and I's experience with rebellious meditation. We both attended a meditation seminar last night and after leaving, realized that we had both kept silent during the debriefing portion because neither of us had followed directions and had been little zen rebels instead.
According to the Rebel Buddha,
absolutely, without a doubt, the GREATEST blog i have ever read! i'm about 90% sure we are the physical and metaphysical embodiment of the punk kitsch movement. we defy the limits of this world and the spiritual. go us!